Sunday 30 June 2013

Kittens....aka What have I done?

A week ago last Thursday, I decided it was time to start looking for another cat.  I miss Jaime terribly and thought that a kitten would help ease the pain and give me some of the companionship I was missing....  Well, anyone who knows me knows that left to my own devices when making decisions such as these, I tend to be a bit irrational.  So, I brought my Mother along with me to check out some kittens....mistake number 1.  Instead of coming home with a kitten we came back with three...yeah, three.  Two will remain at my new house with me, the other will eventually join the brood at my Mom's house.  Its been so long since Jaime was a kitten, I forgot how much energy, little sleep and how much trouble/fun having a kitten around could be.

Here are the new additions to my household:

Alexander (Alex)

Michael (Mikey)

Fluffy (she belongs to my Mom and is sooo little)

Here's to hoping that I can get them on a sleep schedule similar to mine!

Glamour Doll Eyes - June OTM

I realized last night that I never got around to posting the June OTM from Glamour Doll Eyes.  June is another customer creation.  :)  Without further ado, here it is:

OTM June 2013 - Flicker Pop!

Isn't the packaging cute?

 The contents...

Flicker Pop! - bright blue with red and white sparks.


 Check out those sparkles!!

As always, the OTM spots open up on the 8th of the month (usually at 2pm PST) and are extremely limited.

Tribute to Jaime

About two months ago, my beloved cat Jaime was hit by a car in front of my Mom's house and sadly didn't make it.  I spent four long, depressing days searching for him in the rain before a neighbour told me what had happened to him.  I spent another three days trying to locate the person to kindly stopped and picked him up off the road, in hopes that the person had in fact buried him when she had said she would (to the neighbour).  My lovely boy is now buried in a field in the country, where he can be free to chase all of the mice and birds he could ever want to.  I miss him so much, every day and especially every night.  I will never forget him and will love and miss him forever.

April 1, 2007 - May 18, 2013

To My Jaime:

You were the sunshine of my life, you were my heart.  I never thought I could love someone as much as I loved you.  Thank you for everything you brought to my life, the never ending love, kisses and nuzzles, making sure I never slept through  my alarm, keeping me warm, being a fuzzy purring hot water bottle when I was sick, keeping all my secrets and helping chase the spiders and monsters away.  You will always be my best friend.  Until we meet again, I love you forever my Munchkin, my snugglepuppy, my Bub :*( Six years was just not long enough...